Liposuction may be performed under general anesthesia, under conscious sedation with local anesthesia, or with oral sedation and local anesthesia, depending on the amount and number of areas being treated. To offer you the best possible liposuction results, Dr. Gal utilizes VASERlipo®. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is an especially effective technique because it combines the tried-and-true methodology of liposuction with the benefits of ultrasound technology. The cannula is modified with an ultrasonic attachment that helps to achieve improved fat fragmentation and breakdown during the suction process. Those fat fragments are easier to suction out. This is especially useful for the dense tissue seen with Gynecomastia. It is also used for high-definition liposuction or “etching.”
After VASER®, Dr. Gal suctions out the fat with power-assisted liposuction (PAL). Power-assisted liposuction is considered the “gold standard” of liposuction techniques, because it offers consistent results with few complications compared to more traditional liposuction methods.
PAL is a liposuction technique that involves a power-assisted cannula that vibrates at a high speed. The vibrations gently break down fat pockets, which make it easier to suction out fat with minimal damage to surrounding tissue. PAL generally offers shorter recovery time and less chance of complications.
This liposuction technique is used in conjunction with the tumescent technique, which is where a large volume of saline, anesthetic and epinephrine are infused into the treatment site. This helps minimize damage to surrounding tissue, which results in less bruising and swelling. It also increases patient comfort.
Once the fat is broken down, it can be removed with gentle suction through tiny incisions, providing a more smooth and even result with less bruising than traditional methods. Incisions are closed with fine sutures before dressings, and depending on the treatment area, foam padding and support garments are applied. These garments must be worn continuously the first few weeks after surgery.